Monday, February 10



The press has done a very good job of reporting about the challenges our veterans face.  We all have read or seen stories about our wounded warriors.  About traumatic brain injury.  About veterans suffering from depression and other serious mental health issues. About those who have lost limbs or endure other physical hardships.  These are […]

Women and breast cancer

LETTER TO THE EDITOR by Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson While a clinical student and professional nurse, I witnessed the suffering that breast cancer causes in the lives of so many people, particularly women. Each year, according to the World Health Organization, nearly 500,000 women lose their lives to the condition. According to health professionals, some […]

Lupus: the Silent War

LETTER TO THE EDITOR by Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson Each day approximately 1.5 million Americans engage in a battle with their own bodies due to Lupus. Often times this internal conflict is unknown to their families and friends. Even though the disease can strike men and women of all ages, 90 percent of its victims […]

Congressman Marc Veasey Expresses Support for LGBT Community as The Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act

This week, Congressman Marc Veasey issued a statement in support of millions of same-sex couples across the country as the Supreme Court enters a two-day session of oral arguments on two historic cases.  In Hollingsworth v. Perry and United States v. Windsor, respectively, the Supreme Court will address the constitutionality of Proposition 8, an amendment […]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Demolition by Neglect?

Open Letter to the Editor: The Union Bankers Building, located in the heart of what we now know as Deep Ellum, is about to be upended.  Sadly, but not surprisingly, it is another in a series of Black heritage landmarks to suffer demolition by neglect. “Demolition by neglect” may be foreign to you, but it […]


To the DFW Community, Noah…Negroes!  KKDA 730 played a lot of music over a 42 year span. The disc jockeys spun plenty of R&B, Blues, Pop and Jazz. Way back in the day they also played some Gospel. In the midst of all the comments and complaints that have flooded my office, one of those […]